
The ScriptEngine tasks for EC-Earth require a Unix(-like) operating system and Python 3.6+.

The package supports two different installation methods:

  • Installation using conda and PyPI/pip;
  • Installation from source.

The next sections will detail the procedure to install the package for both methods.

You can check if everything worked out by calling se --help from the command line. ScriptEngine will show all registered tasks, and the tasks in this package start with the prefix ece..

Installation using conda and pip

This is the recommended way to install this package.

Get the conda package manager following the instructions for your operating system. Create an environment and activate it with

conda create --name your_environment_name python=3.6 # or 3.7 or 3.8
conda activate your_environment_name

Alternatively, activate the existing conda environment you want to use for this package.

Update your conda environment using the file conda_environment.yml in the GitHub repository:

conda env update -n your_environment_name --file conda_environment.yml

This YAML file contains necessary dependencies for packages that should be installed via conda (like, e.g., Iris). You can also install these packages from source, but this will require a lot more attention during the setup process. Refer to the documentation of the packages in conda_environment.yml for more information on installing them.

The ScriptEngine tasks for EC-Earth can then be installed using

pip install scriptengine-tasks-ecearth

The remaining dependencies will be installed automatically.

Installation from Source

You can download or clone the source code from

Update your conda environment using the file conda_environment.yml in the GitHub repository:

conda env update -n your_environment_name --file conda_environment.yml

This YAML file contains necessary dependencies for packages that should be installed via conda (like, e.g., Iris). You can also install these packages from source, but this will require a lot more attention during the setup process. Refer to the documentation of the packages in conda_environment.yml for more information on installing them.

The package can be installed from inside the scriptengine-tasks-ecearth directory (assuming you did not choose a different name) using

pip install -e .

If you want to run the tests, you will need to download the test data, put the files into tests/testdata, and install Pytest. You can run them from inside the scriptengine-tasks-ecearth directory using

pytest .

To build the documentation manually, you will need Sphinx. The HTML theme is the Read the Docs Sphinx Theme.